: 9620806777      : info@starsgroups.in

Stars Groups Team of Sr. Corporate lawyer & Legal Principle Advisors, will be working for all kinds of business profile for clients in Acts & Sections, we help them to succeed on national and international levels in legal Laws. Corporate law is popular, and can be competitive, corporate law works as well as checking that you've got the desirable skills for it by reading our handy guide. We advise on mergers and acquisition, IPR - Intellectual Property Rights, including structuring issues, drafting transactional documents. We also advise on Corporate and Security Law, listing regulations and assist clients in complying with regulatory requirements, government approvals, Statutory Acts, etc.

Our team of Corporate Advocate are expertise in End-To-End solution in drafting agreement, Joint venture & Master agreements, shareholders agreement, share purchase agreement, subcontractor agreement, outsourcing agreements, business transfer agreement, equipment purchase and leasing agreements, system installation agreements, consultancy agreement and termination agreement. We also draft Employment related Contracts, and Confidentiality and Non-disclosure Agreements for companies. We draft transactional agreements such as agreement to sell, sale deeds, lease deeds, mortgage deeds, Commercial Rent agreement, Notary services etc. For the entire client Sector, we also draft software licensing agreements, software maintenance contracts, mass market licenses, assignment agreements in respect of assignment of trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, Designs, etc.

We ensure that our clients benefit from our experience and expertise. We also advise on tax benefits available to companies after restructuring. We conduct due diligence for companies before going for mergers and acquisitions including intellectual property due diligence. We also draft scheme of arrangements for companies to be placed before all Courts.

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Corporate Law

Corporate Law ensures that clients and companies operations rules and regulations of the law. Corporate law is the formation of companies and is related to commercial and contract law. A corporation is a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation that distinct from its company legal issues & stockholders. The corporate Advocate will have a full understanding of the law to ensure the corporation they work for the legal boundaries. A corporation is a legal entity created under state law, usually for the purpose of conducting business. In corporation law our Legal support include Company Acts, Employment Law Issues, Contract Disputes, Product Liability, Intellectual Property Management. We assist our clients in conducting due diligence for assessing legal position and credibility of their potential business partners, before entering into major transactions like joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, transfer of shares, commercial lease, etc. We conduct due diligence of corporate documents, title deeds and records, capital and shareholding details, credits and borrowing, tax, valuation of assets and intellectual property, filings with the ROC and Others.


Our Core Services : Company Laws | Company formation | IPR Services | Consumer Laws | Banking Law | Gaming & Sports Law | Real Estate | Commercial Contracts | Telecommunication & Media Laws | Information technology | Energy & Infrastructure | Airlines Law | Blockchain Law | Environmental Laws | Notary Services.

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Intellectual Property Rights

IPR - Intellectual Property Rights refers to the general term for the responsibilities of property rights through trademarks, patents, copyrights and Design. These property rights allow the holder to exercise a trust on the use of the item for a specified period Intellectual property is the product of the human intellect including creativity concepts, inventions, industrial models, trademarks, songs, literature, symbols, names, brands etc. Intellectual Property Rights do not differ from other property rights. They allow their owner to completely benefit from their product which was initially an idea that developed and progressed. They also entitle to prevent others from using, dealing or satisfying with the product without prior permission from person. They can in fact legally issue them and force them to stop and compensate for any damages. Protection of IPR allows the innovator, brand owner, patent holder and copyright holder to benefit from their work, labor and investment, which does not mean trust of the intellect. Such rights are set out in the International Declaration of Human Rights, which provides for the right to benefit from the protection of the moral and physical interests resulting from the right holder’s work, literal or artistic product.

IPR Benefits

IPR Acts

Key Benefits of IPR

Protect your Brand before you start a Business mainly focus to get the IPR because they have benefits from information and goods they create. The extent of protection and the design registration is grants to the innovators is proportional to the amount of registration and protection that they are given to the growth for their Brand.

Implementation of IPR

The Intellectual property rights are Trademark, copyrights patents and Design. At the basic level there contains certain standards, reference software, white papers, test suites etc and the copy right can be sold by the Innovators.

Note: It is highly recommended by, that you do not display / publish / present / your Invention, Creation, Innovation and Brand Protection before filling of any IP application do protect your invention.
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Corporate Legal Drafting

Corporate legal drafting regulates the company which includes entrepreneurs, start-ups small, medium and large corporations consumers, community, and the environment interact with one another. Our legal expert advice on a wide range of corporate legal transactions and guidance on diverse corporate issues and structuring the business deals with exacting detail in order to optimize our clients with minimum risk and short & long-term objectives. Servicing the Capable business needs of both India and Overseas clients, we facilitate our clients to deal with central, state and local rules and regulations affecting their business from initial incorporation, business registration, new venture, acquisitions and alliances, business law, real estate, employment law, intellectual property protection, investors, shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, Joint ventures Agreements, Franchise & Master Franchise Agreements, Notary Services , Terms & Condition Policy, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer Policy etc.

Legal Documentation

Legal Compliance

Legal Agreement on Business Resource

Agreement between Independent Contractor and Service Provider

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Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration Act, 1999 Protects your Brand Name and Innovation Before you starts your Business or someone takes it. It is a unique identity Logo or word(s) used to represent a business or its products. Once registered, that same Logo or series of words cannot be used by any other organisation, forever, as long as it remains in use and proper paperwork and fees are paid. A trademark once registered it is valid for 10 years subject to renewal after that. You can use TM / SM after trademark application is submitted with the department. After approval of the application, you can use You can know more about trademark here it is Intellectual property rights help in providing exclusive rights to creator or inventor thereby induces them to distribute and share information and data instead of keeping it confidential.

TM / SM Registration : Trademark Protects Logo | Brand Name | Brand Image | Colour | Sound | Symbol | Coined | Letters | Numerals | Taglines | Shapes | emblem | Sign | Stamp | device | Badge | Crest | Insignia | Seal | Coat of arms | Shield | Motif | Hallmark | Mark | Figure | Monogram | Colophon ( / ˈ S ɒ l ə f ən, -f ɒ n /)

Includes : - Free Trademark & Class Search | Assistance in TM Classification | Drafting of User Affidavit & Application | Filing of the Trademark Application & Post Legal Support

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Foreigners to Register Trademark in India

Foreigners to Register Trademark in India:-A trademark is a words legally registered unique mark or sign that represents a company or business Products irrespective of its origin. For a foreign corporation interested to enter the Indian market, they need file an application for trademark registration with the Indian Trademark Office. You may consider registering every Mark, Brand Name, Label, Product Name, Logo, Punch line and the Domain Names as the trademark in India for an effective remedy in case of misuse by any other person. By leveraging your patent and trademarks beyond your home market, you can get ahead of your competitor!

TM / SM Registration : - Trademark Protects Logo | Brand Name | Brand Image | Colour | Sound | Symbol | Coined | Letters | Numerals | Taglines | Shapes | emblem | Sign | Stamp | device | Badge | Crest | Insignia | Seal | Coat of arms | Shield | Motif | Hallmark | Mark | Figure | Monogram | Colophon ( / ˈ S ɒ l ə f ən, -f ɒ n /)

Includes : Free Trademark & Class Search | Assistance in TM Classification | Drafting of User Affidavit & Application | Filing of the Trademark Application & Post Legal Support

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Copyrights Registration

Copyright registration in India is enrolled under Copyright Act, 1957. It provides a kind of safety so that the work carried out by the creator of work cannot be copied by anyone and to restore the uniqueness of the product. There are bundles of rights under Copyright like communication to the public, the rights of reproduction, adaptation, and translation of the work.Copyright is basically a legal right which has been provided to the creators of. Sometimes even businesses and start-ups get copyright registration related to instruction manuals, product literature and user guides. Usually, copyright is possessed by a creator of the work, but sometimes even the employer of its creator or the person who has authorised the work can own the copyright.

Filing of Copyright Includes : website | script | program | books | poems | literature | logo design | style | musical and Artistic | Dramatics | invention | document | brochure |Flow chart | advertising | work and even the producer’s films | song lyrics | make photos | sound recordings | games...

Includes : - Filing the Copyright Application| Examination |Objection*|discrepancy found during scrutiny| zero discrepancy| objection filed & application is accepted* | Registration*

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Provisional Patent Registration

Provisional Patent Registration most important legal documents while applying for patent registration is provisional specification or complete specification. To increase the chances of obtaining patent registration, a provision specification can be filed along with a patent application if the applicant feels that the invention has reached a stage wherein it can be disclosed on paper, but has not attained the final stage. Hence, provisional specification are akin to draft specification filed mainly to secure a priority date for the application over any other application which could be filed in respect of the same invention being developed by a competitor.

Patentable Includes : - Computer software and hardware| Machine| Technical Application |Chemical formulas and processes| Genetically Engineered bacteria, plants, and animals| Drugs| Medical devices| Furniture design| Jewellery| Particular Apparatus| Fabrics and fabric design| Musical instruments

Includes : - Patentability search| Drafting a patent application| Filing the Patent Provisional application of Patentability with the Indian Patent Office. Invention abstract to be provided by the client. Claims specifications will be drafted by expert.

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Patent Registration

A patent registration helps you to get a patent of an intellectual property right to an invention carried out by an individual or firm. IP department has been initiated by Indian government to grant you the full right to register your invention under patent (but only if it is unique). In return the inventor must produce all the proofs related to the invention as asked by the government. It also ensures that owner gets more preference over other person for your particular invention. In India, Patent is being governed by the Patent Act 1970 & Patent Rules 1972.Patent validity is for 20 years. If you file a patent now then after a period of 20 years it falls under the public domain.

Global Patent Protection : A patent registration in India can be used as the basis for patent registration in other countries, if required. Foreigners and Foreign entities can also register a patent in India, if required. The invention can be anything such as process..,

INVENTION TO BE PATENTABLE : Novelty| Inventive Step| Industrial Application| Not publically/commercially disclosed| Patentable matter

Patentable Includes : - Computer software and hardware| Machine| Technical Application |Chemical formulas and processes| Genetically Engineered bacteria, plants, and animals| Drugs| Medical devices| Furniture design| Jewellery| Particular Apparatus| Fabrics and fabric design| Musical instruments.

Includes : - Patentability search| Drafting a patent application| Filing the patent application| Publication of Patent Application*| Examination of the patent application*| Final decision on grant of patent*| Patent Renewal

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Design Registration

Design registration is a protection of industrial designs in India is administered by the Designs Act, 2000 and corresponding Designs Rules, 2001 which came into force on 11th May 2001 repealing the earlier Act of 1911. The Design Rules, 2001 was further amended by Designs (Amendment) Rules 2008 and Designs (Amendment) Rules 2014. The last amendment in Designs Rules came in to force from 30th December, 2014, which incorporates a new category of applicant as small entity in addition to natural person and other than small entity.

The industrial design recognizes the creation new and original features are: -

Design Registration : - New shape| Configuration| Surface pattern| Ornamentations| Composition of lines or colors applied to articles which in the finished state appeal to and is judged solely by the eye.

Includes : - Application Preparation| Application Filing| Design Registration.

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International IPR Services

International IPR Services Trademark Registration | Patent Registration | Copyrights Registration

International IPR Registration in globe is the best way to protect your Brand, innovation and creative by the way of ”Trademark, Patent, Copyrights” which is a legal right. Your brand is your most important asset and that’s how your customers identify you. As your business grows, your Brand Name, Logo, Tag-Line or even your Innovations and Creative will stand out for credibility, reputation and quality of your business. When you’re in Import & Export Business you have to Protect Your Brand Names in other countries also. Our IP Experts will help you to protect with cost-effective & simple Documentation. This helps you in several advantages to Identify Globally.

Benefits : - Your Exclusive right to Protect the Brand name Globally | It‘s your IPR Asset | Increases your business and valuation | Legal Protection | Monitor your brand in globe | Expand easily | Carbon copycats

IPR Protection Audit

An intellectual property audit is a process is very important for companies which can be develop and clear view of IP Rights it is a similar to taking an inventory of any asset the company owns. IP assets and related risks and opportunities of an IP audit clearly assesses the scopes of the rights, and implement best practices for IP asset management to identify what other protections are needed to secure value in the intellectual property owned by the company’s Products thorough the IP audit involves not only a review of a company’s IP assets, but also the company’s IP-related agreements, policies and procedures, and competitors, IP audits can help assess, preserve, and enhance Intellectual property Audit is part of a business and requires management just as does equipment, inventory, and accounts receivable. It inform the company about the intellectually property Protections Status.

Importance of IP Audit

Includes - IP Audit | IP rights | identify risks that a company’s products or services infringe another’s IP | IP Valuation | IP Due Diligence | IP Licensing | IP Audit Report

Click or Call us for Free Consultation on your IP Protection Audit

IPR Legal Service

Our IPR Legal team has a core experienced who value intellectual property rights and understand the IP Acts and its importance in any business. We have every possible long-term IP strategy & IPR Legal Services. We have in-house experience Sr.Advocates to handle IPR Legal issues related to every business sector.

IPR legal services are Searches & Due Diligence, Trademark, Copyrights, Design, Patent searches, Trademark & Patent status, Legal intelligence, IPR Monitoring & Reporting.It is a process for all the companies who really care for their Brand name protection & their innovations .we can protect IPR legal services in India & overseas.


IPR Legal Support

Objection | Opposition | Hearing | Litigation | Rectification | Trademark Transfer | Monitoring | Renewal | Applying for Trademark Registration Certificate

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Customized Services

We have customized legal services designed by the legal experts most efficient court reporting corporate solution to empower your in-house legal support. We are committed to develop an effective strategy customized to your needs by providing comprehensive Legal business specific legal solutions, customized as per your requirements. Our Core In-House Services are Corporate Law advisory & Consultation, IPR Services, Business Legal Management, Company Formation, Legal Compliance, Legal Documentation Drafting, Licensing

Our core services

Company Laws | Company formation | IPR Services | Consumer Laws | Banking Law | Gaming & Sports Law | Real Estate | Commercial Contracts | Telecommunication & Media Laws | Information technology | Energy & Infrastructure | Airlines Law | Blockchain Law | Environmental Laws | Notary Services.

IPR Legal Support - Objection | Opposition | Hearing | Litigation | Rectification | Trademark Transfer | Monitoring | Renewal | Applying for Trademark Registration Certificate

Legal Documentation

Legal Compliance

Legal Agreement on Business Resource

Agreement between Independent Contractor and Service Provider

Drafting Services

We help you In Corporate Law & IPR Services

We have made it simple for you. All you have to do is make a call and fix an appointment with our Consultant and our Experts will provide you the needed information and guide you through the initial procedures please click on the following link to get connect with us or Mail us


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About Us
Stars Groups expert in Business Consulting, Tax Advisory, Accounting & Auditing, Company Formation, Trademark Registration, ISO Certification, IPR Services CS, CA, CMA, Advocates & IP Attorney. A One Stop Solution for your Dream Business Set-Up and Corporate Company Services, managed by Highly Qualified Specialized Team. We help Start-ups to incorporate Companies to run their Successful Business in India & Overseas.
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Sony Complex 10/3 2nd Floor Maruthi Sevanagar Next to Orion East Mall, Dodda Banaswadi Main Rd, Bengaluru-560033 , Karnataka, India


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